Keep up with the goings on around the farm!

Keep up with the goings on around the farm!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Day by day the dream comes true.

It has been a while. My dream of self sufficiency hasn't wavered, even if my writing has...lots of improvements on the homestead have happened this past year. The chicken project is going well, we are now collecting two to three eggs a day. They are happy birds and I am learning how to partner with them. We also have two rabbit hutches built for pasture. Last weekend we found our bunnies and they are adjusting well, still awaiting names. We invested in a deer fence around the veggie garden for which the wait for spring is even harder. I can't stop fantasizing about future crops. We are working hard to protect our struggling orchard, hopefully this year we can spur some growth there. Our partnership with the guinea fowl holds promise, we have let them loose on the garden and they haven't fled yet!

Lots of work and lots that I feel so proud of. I am going to try to post more regularly as a way to document our progress towards independence.

Today these are the things that I am proud of...

I made banana flaxseed pancakes for breakfast with our own eggs, thank you Rosey and Betsey.
I ate an amazing salad today topped with our own pecans and dressed in a vinaigrette with our own garlic and local honey.
I made soup stock with our own garlic, peas, and bright orange pumpkin. I can't wait to eat it tomorrow!
My kids played outside most of the day utilizing their incredible imaginations constantly.
I let my chickens out on pasture today and enjoyed a moment of peace sitting with them in the warm sunshine while sipping a hot cup of coffee.
I washed 25 wine bottles in preparation to bottle our first farm wine tomorrow.
I picked a basket of kale with Simon and smiled when he said "I can't wait to eat this yummy kale!"
I have a happy, healthy family that loves being together and I wouldn't want my life any other way.